Sunday, July 19, 2009

El Scorcho Race Report – I signed up for the 50K and it started at midnight. It is 10 loops around a 5K trail. Night time is not my thing and it showed. The weather was very nice for this time of year. It was around 83 degrees at the start. Jayna and I ran it together. We ran the first 6 laps (18.5 miles) together at a sub 8:30 pace. By the 7th lap I was really tired. My legs felt great but my energy was very low. After about 19 miles I let Jayna go ahead and my pace slowed down to a 9 min pace. By the time I finished the 7th lap (21.8 miles) I decided it was time to stop as I was running a 10 min pace. My goal race is the St. George Marathon October 4th. I decided if I stopped now I could recover much faster and resume training again in a few days. Jayna finished as the first women in 4:25. Running in the middle of the night was a lot more difficult then I imagined.